Your Stars This Month

Happy Birthday, Aries!!

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Created by Aphrodette North –

540.400.0110 / 540.613.1070

April Overview


This NEW MOON TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs on April 8, 2024, at 02:20:37 PM EDST. The Lights as well as Venus, the Head of the Dragon, Chiron, and retrograde Mercury form a veritable parade in Aries!! Be an advocate for peace but also take action with truth and sincere motivation at this time! Get fired up as you embrace the peaceful warrior within you!

This FULL MOON is in Scorpio and occurs on April 23, 2023, at 07:48:45 PM EDST! It forms a Fixed T-square to the Taurus Sun and Pluto in Aquarius. Blend psychic instinct with Earthbound wisdom as you reach for the stars! Those born with planets in any of the fixed signs benefit from being reflective at this time in the quiet hours! Take the time and realizations will be remarkable!


Mercury Retrograde ALERT!!
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on April 1 2024 at 06:14 PM EDST and remains so until April 25, 2024, at 08:54 AM EDST. It remains in its shadow until May 13, 2024.

Major decisions may fall into delay and impatience can be felt with those around you and within you. Contracts, commitments, and even promises you make to yourself need to be thoroughly analyzed for practical results.

ARIES MAR 20 – APR 20  
Many Happy Solar Returns, Aries! This is your month and a powerful one! On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, a parade of planets are in your sign and line up with the Dragon! Mars, your ruler is in Pisces and kissing Saturn, the Great Teacher! Teach and learn simultaneously and embrace inspiration on the creative and spiritual levels! WOW! On the Full Moon, Mars is still in Pisces but now kissing Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusion, imagination, and faith! These two form a double sextile to Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus! Choose to manifest your dreams and know that you will be blessed incredibly! GO!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler Venus is part of the Arian parade but is earlier than the other planets as it forms a sweet sextile to Pluto in Aquarius! Exercise your unique self and your independence at this time! Just be yourself as everyone else is taken! Enjoy! On the Full Moon, Venus is still in Aries but forms no aspects to the traditional planets. Take pride in your accomplishments and your loving nature at this time! If you are an April-born Taurus, be sure to peer at this fabulous Moon! It may plumb your depths, for sure!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Mercury is retrograde in Aries! It is at the tail end of the Arian parade and forms no aspects to the traditional planets. This can be challenging for you to move forward as more research will be required for you to move forward. Keep track of your schedule and confirm everything! Things can go missing so be as organized as possible. On the Full Moon, Mercury is still retrograde in Aries and is lined up with the Dragon. Stay in the “now” as much as possible and seek sweet peace at the end of the day! Thank me later!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Lights as well as Venus, the Head of the Dragon, Chiron, and retrograde Mercury form a veritable parade in Aries!! To thyself be true! Cardinal squares are evidenced here in your chart, and you may be more emotionally reactive than usual. Seek to respond rather than react for best results. Withdraw when necessary. This Full Moon in Scorpio forms a Fixed T-square to the Taurus Sun and Pluto in Aquarius. Those who surround you may be inflexible. Be kind and choose not to personalize the words and actions of those who are simply holding their ground!
LEO JUL 22 – AUG 2
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Lights as well as Venus, the Head of the Dragon, Chiron, and retrograde Mercury form a veritable parade in Aries!! With all these planets in fire you should be totally shining!! Gleam! The Full Moon will be in Scorpio and forms a Fixed T-square to the Taurus Sun and Pluto in Aquarius. If you are an early Leo, one born in July, you will be experiencing a Grand Fixed Square! Set your boundaries and know your parameters at this time. If you are born in August, there is much fire still in Aries to keep you motivated and true to your heart!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Mercury is retrograde in Aries! It is at the tail end of the Arian parade and forms no aspects to the traditional planets. Steer clear of the bullies and the crybabies just now! Those that surround you may feel they are always right when you are trying to help them with your analytical powers. Suggest or offer to help and go with the flow! On the Full Moon, Mercury is still retrograde in Aries and is lined up with the Dragon. Go your own way in projects and meetings. Just do it yourself if possible and simply state your case if conflicts arise. Punt!
LIBRA SEP 23 – OCT 22  
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler Venus is part of the Arian parade but is earlier than the other planets as it forms a sweet sextile to Pluto in Aquarius! Others will note that with you, what you see is what they get! Your unique individuality and independence can encourage so many! Go for it! On the Full Scorpio Moon, Venus is still in Aries but forms no aspects to the traditional planets. Choose to be the lover not the fighter whenever possible! Let the peaceful warrior within you prevail!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler of event, Mars, is in Pisces and kissing Saturn, the Great Teacher! They form a double quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon. Your sense of imagination and vision can be difficult for others to fathom! Exercise patience. Pluto, your planet of process is in early Aquarius and forms a sweet sextile to Venus in Aries. Embrace honesty in all your relationships and grow closer to those of integrity! This Full Moon is in your sign and forms a Fixed T-square to the Taurus Sun and Pluto in Aquarius! Balance your power! Mars is still in Pisces but now kissing Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusion, imagination, and faith! These two form a double sextile to Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus! Property, habitation, and your physical body benefit from you honoring them. Spend time by the water whenever possible! Float!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler Jupiter is conjunct Uranus in Taurus, but they form no other angles to the traditional planets. Be grounded, appreciative and expect some pleasant surprises regarding that in which you have invested! Opportunities may just simply arrive but be sure to look deeper because of Mercury retrograde! Enjoy! On the Full Moon, these two planets have moved even closer together and now form a double sextile to Mars and Neptune in Pisces! Awesome time to take a cruise of vacation by the water! Spoil yourself! Bask in the bliss!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Saturn, is in Pisces and kissing Mars as they both quincunx the Tail of the Dragon! Long term memories loom large! Review all you have learned and all you have established to teach others! Embrace relaxation and spoil yourself in this cycle. You have made many sacrifices, but you have done it willingly! Rest on your laurels and embrace inner peace. On the Full Moon, Saturn makes no major aspects to the traditional planets. You can be your best company at this time! Reflect and embrace forgiveness for self as well as others. Only to review do we find new! Let it be so!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Uranus is conjunct Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and abundance, in Taurus. They form no major angles to any of the other traditional planets. The unpredictable ups and downs have honed your skills, and each crisis and epiphany are part of who you are! Celebrate the rebel within you! On the Full Moon, Uranus and Jupiter are even closer to one another! You could not perceive each even with a high-powered telescope! Be brilliant as you embrace the good fortune coming your way!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Neptune is in your sign and forms no major aspects to the traditional planets! DREAM BIG! Some inspirations may come as a storm and others in the sweet tender moments of reflection. Music can move you to change your mood, energize you or simply bring you boundless joy! On the Full Moon, Mays is kissing Neptune in Pisces! Your imagination and spiritual energies are activated. Choose those who know the infinite power of love and forgiveness as ones to spend time with! Share your dreams! Motivate others from the Highest Plane to simply be true!! Be blissfully you!

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Aphrodette North - Inner Mysteries Profiled
