Your Stars This Month

Happy Birthday, Capricorn!!

Classes, Special Events, and Hours by Appointment!

Created by Aphrodette North –

540.400.0110 / 540.613.1070

January Overview


This FULL MOON occurs on January 13, 2025, at 5:26:39 PM EST. The Full Moon in Cancer opposes the Capricorn Sun and is conjunct retrograde Mars. It is in trine to Neptune and the Head of the Dragon in Pisces! Envision security and honor what you have established at this time! Sweet sextiles to retrograde Uranus in Taurus encourage us not to overreact and play into drama that is not verified! Do your research!

The NEW MOON occurs on January 29, 2025, at 7:35:43 AM EST and features the Lights, Mercury and Pluto as a stellium in Aquarius! These planets form trines to retrograde Jupiter in Gemini. Choices will present themselves to serve the brotherhood and sisterhood of humankind. Compassion and addressing altruistic aims as we move forward will be seen through our media. Watch what you watch on television and computer. Clear your subconscious and activate conscious spirituality!


Mercury Stations Retrograde in Sagittarius!
On November 25, 2024 Mercury stationed retrograde in Sagittarius and reains so until December 15, 2024. It remains in its shadow until January 3, 2025! Move forward with your thoughts and intentions! Embace optimism and season it with practicality! Thank me later!

Mars Stations Retrograde in Leo!
Mars stations retrograde in Leo on December 6th, returns to Cancer and stations direct on February 23, 2025. It returns to Leo on April 18, 2025. This transit is about both courage and security.  Be brave and tenacious as you follow your heart! Awalen your inner victor at this time! Thank me later!

Jupiter Stationed Retrograde In Gemini!
Jupiter stations retrograde on October 9, 2024 at 03:05 AM and remains so until February 4, 2025 at 1:40AM EST! Reflection and deja vue will be profound. Opportunities from the past will resurface. Recognition of your patterns can be quite illuminating! Re-write the book! Reconect with old friends and visit your memories and be thankful! Focus on the positive!

Uranus Stationed Retrograde in Taurus!
On September 1, 2024 Uranus stationed retrograde in Taurus at 11;17 am and will remain so until January 31, 2025 at 6:43 PM! Uranus has been doing this annually for many years now! Many inner epiphanies will present themselves! How have you dealth with the unexpected in the past! Review how you got through and re-stabilized or flew to freedom! This is a mixture for most of us! Carefully consider the difference between urgency and emergency! Stay grounded!

ARIES MAR 20 – APR 20  

On the Full Moon, your ruler Mars is retrograde in Cancer, kissing the Moon and opposes the Capricorn Sun1 It also forms trines to Neptune and the head of the Dragon in Pisces. Keep your vision and take the high road in challenging situations. Stand strong in your truth! On the New Moon, Mars is still retrograde in Cancer but forms beautiful trines to Saturn, Venus and Neptune, ALL in Pisces. Thankfulness for your blessings and those who dream your dream is highly recommended. BE rather than DO at this time.


On the Full Moon, your ruler, Venus, is in Pisces and conjunct Saturn as they form a double square to retrograde Jupiter in Gemini! Choices will present themselves but all that glitters is not gold. Examine with your mind but your intuition will guide you well. If in doubt, DON’T! All that you have learned and taught will serve you well. On the New Moon, Venus is in a stellium in Pisces with Saturn, Neptune, and the Head of the Dragon as they trine retrograde Mars in Cancer. Long term emotional memory is strong and you will be able to clearly see your repeat patterns! Take note!


On the Full Moon, your ruler, Mercury, is in Capricorn and makes no aspects to the traditional planets. The doors that close and those who open will be clear. Practicality can be uncomfortable, but you will need to engage it at this time. New rules and reorganization will serve you well. Boundaries will be particularly important! Remember that both “YES” and “NO” are complete sentences. Stand in your truth! On the New Moon, you will feel an incredible shift! Pluto, Mercury, the Lights will join together in Aquarius and will not only complement your sign but will be in trine to retrograde Jupiter in your sign!! Brilliant thoughts and revelations are featured! Enjoy!!


The Full Moon is in your sign and opposes the Capricorn Sun and is conjunct retrograde Mars. It is in trine to Neptune and the Head of the Dragon in Pisces! Envision security and honor what you have established at this time! Sweet sextiles to retrograde Uranus in Taurus encourage us not to overreact and play into drama that is not verified! Do your research! The New Moon features the Lights, Mercury, and Pluto as a stellium in Aquarius! These planets form trines to retrograde Jupiter in Gemini. Choices will present themselves to serve the brotherhood and sisterhood of humankind. Compassion and addressing altruistic aims as we move forward will be seen through our media. Watch what you watch on television and computer. Clear your subconscious and activate conscious spirituality!

LEO JUL 22 – AUG 2

On the Full Moon, your ruler, the Sun, is in Capricorn, in trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus, opposes both the Cancer Moon and retrograde Mars in that sign. It also forms sweet sextiles to both Neptune and the head of the Dragon in Pisces! Let others take center stage for now. Very little fire is evidenced in the Heavens. Purr like a kitten! Withdraw and recharge! On the New Moon, there is a parade of planets in Aquarius and trines to retrograde Jupiter in Gemini! Air loves fire! Entertain and be entertained! Friends old and new benefit from reconnecting with you! GO!


On the Full Moon, your ruler, Mercury, is in Capricorn and makes no aspects to the traditional planets. The Capricorn planets do feed your Virgo nature to reflect on the larger picture instead of all the details. Create a plan and put tasks on the drawing board for now! Thank me later! On the New Moon, you will feel an incredible shift! Pluto, Mercury, and the Lights will join together in Aquarius. Technology may have great appeal to re-organize and make your life easier as you move forward. The learning curve may be daunting but will pay off! Exercise patience!

LIBRA SEP 23 – OCT 22  

On the Full Moon, your ruler, Venus, is in Pisces and conjunct Saturn as they form a double square to retrograde Jupiter in Gemini! Conversation needs imagination! Whether you speak or write in your work you will want to spice it up a bit! Visual arts are also a clever idea. Using a bit of hyperbole to illustrate your point is not only allowed but highly recommended! On the New Moon, the parade of planets in Aquarius and Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, you will be in your glory! Brilliant ideas can come in a flash! Community and personal gatherings are also stimulating at this time! Enjoy!


On the Full Moon, your ruler of event, Mars, is retrograde in Cancer, conjunct the Moon, opposing the Capricorn Sun and in trine to Neptune in Pisces!!! Your ruler of process, Pluto is in Aquarius and lined up with the Dragon! Not only will you be using all the skills developed you will need every tool in your toolbox! Arrive prepared when opportunity comes knocking! On the New Moon, Mars is still retrograde in Cancer and forms a double trine to both Saturn and Venus in Pisces! Pluto is in a parade now with other planets in that sign! Ingenuity really counts and you can channel it1 People from your past may reappear or recommend you to others. Kindred souls are afoot! Keep your eyes open!


On the Full Moon, your ruler, Jupiter is retrograde in Gemini and forms a double square to both Venus and Saturn in Pisces. International commerce looms large, or you may be traveling to far away places or others may be coming to you from afar. Enjoy the excitement of the possibilities that await you. On the New Moon, it gets even better. The parade of Aquarian planets form multiple trines with Jupiter. Technology and innovation precede major changes that can prosper you immensely! Stay on the cutting edge.


On the Full Moon, your ruler, Saturn, is kissing Venus in Pisces as they double square retrograde Jupiter in Gemini. Expect much déjà vu! Repeat patterns reoccur to help you confirm that you have learned important lessons. Sharing this with others can deepen friendships as well. Yes, you are both student and teacher at this time! On the New Moon, Saturn, Venus, and Neptune are traveling close together in Pisces and in trine to retrograde Mars in Cancer! Take a cruise or find a place to disappear to where you can relax and have some fun! You have earned it!


On the Full Moon, your ruler, Uranus, is retrograde in Taurus, in trine to the Capricorn Sun, in sextile to both the Moon and retrograde Mars in Cancer! Get comfortable! Review your progress and accomplishments thus far! Rest on your laurels for a bit! Thank me later! On the New Moon, Uranus forms three separate sextiles. These are angles of possibilities. Venus and Neptune in Pisces and retrograde Mars in Cancer point to living the dream and removing yourself from stress and spending time with kindred souls. Journeys by water can be engaging whether it is the ocean or a ski slope! Enjoy! Take the time for reverie!


On the Full Moon, your ruler, Neptune is lined up with the Dragon and is in trine to the Moon as it conjoins retrograde Mars in Cancer! Good karma lines up now! Forgiveness and unconditional love are strong even with those persons and circumstances that were long ago. Memories shared with others can be so heartwarming. Enjoy. On the New Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune, and the Head of the Dragon are traveling close together in the Heavens in Pisces. Art, music, imagination, and spirituality are all best when shared. If you cannot find a venue, please create one. Memories are created every day! Make them good ones! Thank me later!

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Aphrodette North - Inner Mysteries Profiled
