Prayer for Wisdom through Enlightenment


You breathe life into alland order harmony out of chaos.
Reveal to us,

Your embodiment,

the landmarks on this path of life.
Fill us with knowledge, insight and strength.

Clear from our minds and hearts all prejudice, preconceptions and blocks.

Allow us to refresh our minds in the constant renewal of our energies.

Reveal to us, how best we can practice Your habitation.
Divinely inspire us to receive the signs you send

that we may open to Your creative Universe.
Where there is blessing, help us to radiate thankfulness.

Where there is challenge, strengthen our hearts, minds and souls to meet it.

Where there is potential, bless our minds as you do the fertile fields

and help us to harvest our greatest gifts from You

to honor this Creation.
Empower us to embrace and emanate healing

through Your gracious gifts of compassion, truth and love.


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