Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North

Welcome to the heights and depths of existence.

This page is about how I percieve my world and it may just be - that it is similar to yours!

Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette NorthLatest revelation...

Seek! Above all - SEEK!
Surf the internet, observe nature, listen to yourself, share your thoughts..

The one who is whispering draws my attention.

Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North

Until we meet again - Florida!

After the 2004 hurricanes, we made a pilgrimage to Roanoke, Virginia - better known as "Star City"! We had a great Bon Voyage!

Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North


About Me



Growing and knowing is a continuous process.

Enjoy the journey!

As the song says, "In the end, only kindness matters..".

You can take the girl out of New England but it takes

nigh onto a miracle to take New England out of the girl!!


Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North

A new friend!

A chance to reach out!

Sometimes we all need to be reminded that humans are not the only Earthlings here! All of creation is part of our habitation.



What I love to do...

Travel, and dance some more!

Yes, I used to live in Florida, but I surf with a mouse

and a screen!

Music occurs in many forms. Dancing to the trance

of the wind takes true talent!







Those I love!

My Loved Ones!



Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North

Bike Rally with the Siblings and then some!!

The Laconia Bike Rally is an Annual reunion! We love the fun, frolic and momentary depth of reunion.. :)


Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North


My Man! Scorpio! The Best!




Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North

 My Son, Mark and his Lovely Wife, Steffie!

Here I might write about my children. I will write when they were born and what grade they are currently in. I will also mention some the teams and organizations they are involved with.




Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North


T.J. and Hunter ! My latest grandson!!!



More Loved Ones and Good Times

Life is joyful!

Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North
Grandchildren!! Markie, Timmy and Shanna!

Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North
My most recent grandaughter, Trinity!

Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North
The Laconia Bike Rally! I go every year! It is my annual reunion with my siblings and friends! AWESOME! Here I am with my brother Matt!

Astrology, Horoscopes and Tarot by Aphrodette North
Off to the Wier's Beach Festival for bikers! My sister, Laura, on her new Harley chopper takes the lead!